
Xpeng’s Bold Move: Axing LiDAR in Favor of Tesla-Inspired Pure Vision

Xpeng’s Bold Move: Axing LiDAR in Favor of Tesla-Inspired Pure Vision
Xpeng’s Bold Move: Axing LiDAR in Favor of Tesla-Inspired Pure Vision

In an unexpected maneuver that could potentially reshape the future of autonomous driving technology, Chinese EV giant Xpeng is set to ditch LiDAR in its forthcoming model, codenamed F57. This bold step aligns Xpeng closer to Tesla’s famed camera-based approach and marks a seismic shift in the EV landscape.

Out with LiDAR, In with Cameras

According to inside sources revealed by CnEVPost, the F57, which is slated for a Q4 release, will forgo the previously favored LiDAR technology in favor of a pure camera-based smart driving system. LiDAR has long been the cornerstone of many autonomous systems, including Xpeng’s earlier models. However, it has also been a costly addition, limiting the profitability of these high-tech vehicles.

Tesla’s Autopilot and Full Self-Driving (FSD) systems have successfully demonstrated the potential of camera-based systems, making a strong case for abandoning LiDAR. It's no secret that Tesla’s Elon Musk has been a vocal critic of LiDAR, referring to it as a

Frequently Asked Questions

Xpeng is axing LiDAR in favor of Tesla-inspired pure vision for its forthcoming model, codenamed F57.

Xpeng is moving away from LiDAR due to its high cost and the success demonstrated by Tesla's camera-based systems.

Xpeng is opting for a pure camera-based smart driving system in its new model.

The F57 model from Xpeng is slated for a Q4 release.

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, has been a vocal critic of LiDAR technology.