
Tesla's FSD Update 12.4.1 Tested: You Won't Believe How It Handles Roundabouts and Unprotected Left Turns

Welcome to the Future of Driving

The latest episode of the ongoing saga of Tesla's Full Self-Driving (FSD) technology brings us a deep dive into its newest update, version 12.4.1. With promises of enhanced performance and fewer interventions, the video provides a comprehensive look at just how much has changed under the hood.

Our test drive kicks off with a journey to the gym. Armed with a camera perfectly positioned to showcase the steering wheel, this drive aims to prove the legitimacy of the 'no hands' feature. The video not only tests speed compliance but also tackles older problem areas where previous versions of FSD faltered.

Handling Everyday Traffic Like a Pro

The initial part of the drive takes us through a residential zone with a child riding a bike nearby. The FSD system, although going at a human-typical speed, proves its mettle by adjusting smoothly without any intervention. A recent update allows for FSD to follow the flow of traffic more naturally, even when the car ahead increases speed unexpectedly.

In older versions, spots where the speed limit sign changed often tripped up the FSD. This version corrected that defect, at least most of the time. For instance, after passing a '35 mph ends' sign indicating a maximum speed of 55 mph, the car adjusts itself perfectly with the flow of traffic. However, there are some hiccups where FSD postponed changes from a higher speed limit to a lower speed limit and vice versa.

Tackling Complex Intersections and Roundabouts

Moving onto roundabouts—traditionally a bane for both human drivers and AI alike—the FSD showcased marked improvements. Older versions often hesitated or were overly cautious, creating awkward situations. This update, however, smoothly navigates roundabouts with minimal hesitation, proving that Tesla's machine-learning algorithms are indeed evolving.

A marvel of this drive is its seamless handling of four-way stop signs and intersections. At one point, the car approaches a four-way stop and proceeds without confusion or delay, even as the road expands into a multi-lane complexity. This fluidity is a noticeable upgrade from earlier FSD versions.

Unprotected Lefts? No Problem

FSD's performance is particularly commendable in complicated scenarios like unprotected left turns. A key test involves a challenging unprotected left where visibility is poor, and traffic is relentless. Both human oversight and the FSD system pause multiple times, showcasing the car's ability to learn and adapt from its surroundings.

In another instance, the car approaches a roundabout with heavy traffic, confidently making a left turn while pacing itself with the traffic around it. In situations where old versions might have required manual intervention, FSD 12.4.1 carries out these maneuvers autonomously, thereby boosting driver confidence.

Still Not Perfect, But Progressing

Yet, the system isn't without flaws. A glaring issue arises as the car drifts into the right lane where it shouldn't, requiring manual correction. Similarly, blinking yellow lights, which have been problematic historically, still pose a challenge for FSD, often resulting in abrupt braking or hesitation.

Through a slightly frustrating but ultimately intriguing drive, the video ends on a hopeful note. Despite encountering a few legacy issues, the overall performance of FSD 12.4.1 is miles ahead of its predecessors. The test concludes with only one intervention and one manual disengagement—a record low for this notoriously tricky route.

The Verdict

Our comprehensive test reveals that Tesla's FSD 12.4.1 is not just an incremental update but a leap towards a truly autonomous future. While some issues persist, the overall experience is smoother, more intuitive, and remarkably closer to genuine autonomy.

Frequently Asked Questions

The latest episode delves into a deep dive of the newest update, version 12.4.1, showcasing enhanced performance and fewer interventions.

The video tests speed compliance and older problem areas where previous FSD versions faltered, showcasing improvements in adjusting speed and following traffic flow.

FSD demonstrates smoother navigation through roundabouts with minimal hesitation and confidently approaches four-way stop signs and intersections, exhibiting notable upgrades in handling complex traffic scenarios.

FSD performs commendably in challenging situations like unprotected left turns and heavy traffic roundabouts, showcasing adaptability and autonomous maneuvering capabilities.

Some issues include instances of drifting into the wrong lane and challenges with blinking yellow lights, leading to manual corrections and hesitation, highlighting areas for further improvement.