The first delivery event for the Tesla Cybertruck brought an unexpected spectacle. Elon Musk showcased the Cybertruck's raw power with a jaw-dropping video of the all-electric pickup truck outpacing a Porsche 911 in a drag race — all while towing another Porsche 911. Automotive enthusiasts were left in awe, yet the demonstration faced skepticism from industry experts.
The Skeptics Weigh In
Jason Fenske from the popular YouTube channel Engineering Explained argued that Tesla might not have run a full quarter-mile race during their demonstration. Instead, Fenske suggested, it was an eighth-mile race. This revelation opened a floodgate of criticism, casting doubt over the Cybertruck's purported capabilities.
Putting It to the Test
MotorTrend, a well-respected motoring publication, took it upon themselves to put the controversy to rest. They tested the tri-motor variant of the Cybertruck, playfully dubbed the Cyberbeast, in a race against a Porsche 911, again while towing another Porsche 911. The tests aimed to conclusively determine whether the Cybertruck could outpace the iconic sports car under such extreme conditions.
Their findings were nothing short of fascinating. In MotorTrend's YouTube video, the Cybertruck and the Porsche 911 faced off in several drag races. In the first race, the Cybertruck reached the eighth-mile mark in just 8.137 seconds, narrowly beating the Porsche 911, which clocked in at 8.239 seconds.
A Challenge at Quarter-Mile
However, as the races progressed beyond the eighth-mile mark, the Porsche 911 regained its standing. Across three quarter-mile races, the Porsche consistently outperformed the Cybertruck. The closest the Cybertruck came was a 12.749-second finish, just shy of the Porsche 911's 12.5-second run.
Engineering Insights
Adding another layer to the story, Tesla's Lead Cybertruck Engineer Wes Morrill weighed in on X (formerly Twitter). Morrill highlighted that the Cybertruck had achieved a 7.808-second eighth-mile time in internal tests. This performance, Morrill argued, would have put the Cybertruck ahead of the Porsche 911 in MotorTrend's series of tests, sparking further discussions about the Cybertruck's true potential.
“Love the detailed breakdown @jasonfenske13 – well done! One underlying assumption: the video showed was the best run. It was not. But it was the most dramatic finish.”
— Wes (@wmorrill3) January 13, 2024
Morrill also mentioned that simulations carried out by Tesla indicated a full quarter-mile race would still likely have ended in a close contest, but with the same ultimate result: the Porsche 911 finishing just ahead.
Final Thoughts
Whether the Cybertruck lives up to all of its performance claims under extreme conditions remains a topic of intense debate. What is undeniable, however, is the remarkable feat of engineering represented by a vehicle capable of challenging a Porsche 911, even when dragging another sports car behind it. As more tests and public showcases unfold, one thing is certain: the Tesla Cybertruck will continue to capture headlines and spark conversations in the automotive world.
For a visual treat of the races, check out MotorTrend’s full video:
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