Amidst the icy embrace of northern Sweden, an exhilarating sight greeted our eyes – the next iteration of BMW’s legendary performance machines, the M5 and M3 wagons, were caught basking in their clandestine testing phase, accompanied by the enigmatic M5 sedan prototype. This winter escapade not only served as a testament to BMW's relentless pursuit of perfection but also offered us a tantalizing glimpse into the future of performance wagons.
The M Brotherhood Expands
In the realm of performance wagons, the BMW M3 Touring has long reigned supreme, captivating enthusiasts with its blend of speed, style, and functionality. However, the stakes have been raised as BMW ushers in two formidable contenders – the M3 CS Touring and the M5 Touring – alongside the next-gen M5 sedan, showcasing the brand’s ambition to redefine the high-performance wagon segment.
Our spy networks were abuzz as they captured these prototypes in a casual detour at a gas station, revealing not just machines, but heralds of a new era. The M3 CS Touring emerges as a direct descendent of the M3 CS sedan, inheriting an arsenal of enhancements including a 542 hp 3.0-liter inline six engine, complemented by BMW’s xDrive all-wheel drive system for an unmatched acceleration experience.
Design Meets Performance
Although shrouded in mystery, the M3 CS Touring’s visual cues such as an aggressive front splitter hint at its lineage, promising a sedan’s prowess in a wagon’s form. However, the larger question looms over its availability in North America, a market yet to embrace the M3 Touring in its current guise.
The M5 Touring, on the other hand, dangles the possibility of harnessing the hybrid-assisted might of a twin-turbo V8, teasing a jaw-dropping 738 hp. Its fate in North America remains uncertain, but the sheer potential of this wagon is enough to keep enthusiasts on the edge of their seats.
Stealthier, Yet Undeniably Potent
Compared to the M3’s pronounced aesthetics, the M5 models prefer a more subdued approach, proving that true power need not shout. The expected price tag of around $120,000 for the M5 (with a slight premium for the Touring variant) positions it as a pinnacle of luxury and performance.
As BMW continues to blur the lines between performance and practicality, the introduction of these models signifies an exciting chapter in the saga of M Touring wagons. With each iteration, BMW not only challenges its rivals but also redefines what enthusiasts can expect from a performance wagon. In the frozen grounds of Sweden, the future of exhilaration has been glimpsed, and it’s wearing a BMW badge.